Mining is a fundamental process that involves harnessing computational power to carry out various essential tasks within a cryptocurrency network. These tasks encompass transaction processing, network security, and the synchronization of all participants. A helpful way to conceptualize mining is to envision it as a decentralized equivalent of a Bitcoin data center, with miners dispersed across different countries. The network operates in such a manner that no single individual has control over it.

This process, often referred to as "mining," draws an analogy to gold mining due to its temporary nature and the issuance of new coins. Nevertheless, it is important to note that crypto-coin mining diverges from gold mining in a significant way. In the world of cryptocurrencies, mining provides a reward in return for valuable services rendered to maintain a secure payment network.

We proudly offer a comprehensive range of mining pools for CPU, GPU, and ASIC coins, all of which are officially listed in HiveOS. With our service, you can effortlessly begin your mining journey by utilizing our prebuilt profiles. To ensure seamless compatibility, please ensure that you have the latest version of HiveOS installed. Start mining effortlessly and efficiently with our integrated pool options.

Head on over to HiveOS to download and get started:https://hiveon.com/

You can easily access all the information related to your wallet address by navigating to the Miners section on any coin page or by clicking on your worker. By adding your wallet address, you can conveniently view essential stats such as Hashrate, Shares, Paid amount, and Balance, among others.

Even if you're not actively connected at the time a block is found, you will still receive a payout as long as you have contributed enough shares during that round. Additionally, to meet the payout threshold, it's essential to maintain a minimum balance of 1.

Keep track of your mining progress and effortlessly monitor your stats by leveraging the Miners section or accessing your worker information.

On every Coin Pool and Miner Statistic page, you will find detailed information regarding PPLNT & SOLO Estimated Round Rewards and Percentages. These figures serve as valuable indicators, providing an estimate of the potential reward you may receive once a block is discovered, as well as the percentage of shares your miner/worker holds compared to others in the current round.

The estimated reward is calculated based on the Known Block Reward and the proportion of shares contributed by each miner. It's important to note that these statistics are purely estimates and are updated every minute, reflecting the dynamic mining variables on our pool, including Mining Power and Accepted Shares.

Upon the confirmation of a block, all final round shares are tallied, taking into account the actual block reward and block transaction fee rewards. Subsequently, these rewards are distributed to miners accordingly.

Stay informed about your potential rewards and the comparative performance of your miner/worker within the current round by referring to the PPLNT & SOLO Estimated Round Rewards and Percentages displayed on our Coin Pool and Miner Statistic pages.

To begin your mining journey, we recommend visiting theGetting Started

page which contains essential information and instructions. Here, you will find the stratum addresses and ports required to connect to our mining servers..

  • For our EU mining address, please use: stratum+tcp://stratum.coinminerz.com
  • For our American mining address, please use: stratum+tcp://us-stratum.coinminerz.com
  • For our Indian mining address, please use: stratum+tcp://in-stratum.coinminerz.com
  • For our Singapore mining address, please use: stratum+tcp://sg-stratum.coinminerz.com

In PPLNT mode, we offer ports in the 33XX range, which are compatible with various types of mining equipment and support most coin pools.

If you prefer using Secure SSL/TLS Mining, we provide 34XX ports for each coin pool and region in the PPLNT mode, assuming your hardware or software supports it.

Additionally, if you are utilizing NiceHash, Mining Rig Rentals, or any other cloud hashing provider in the PPLNT mode, we have designated 37XX ports for your convenience.

For those opting for SOLO mode, we offer ports in the 35XX range, suitable for most types of mining equipment and supporting most coin pools.

Similarly, for Secure SSL/TLS Mining in the SOLO mode, we provide 36XX ports for each coin pool and region, subject to compatibility with your hardware or software.

Lastly, if you are using NiceHash, Mining Rig Rentals, or another cloud hashing provider in the SOLO mode, we have allocated 38XX ports specifically for that purpose.

Please refer to the appropriate port range and select the one that aligns with your desired mining mode and geographic region.

To ensure smooth and uninterrupted mining operations, it is crucial to address potential issues that may arise from misconfigured hardware or software. Here are some points to consider:

  • Misconfiguration-related concerns typically arise when your miner sends problematic shares or authentication attempts that are rejected due to incorrect wallet addresses or misformatted worker names. Ensure that your configuration follows the correct format: walletaddress.workername. The wallet address must be valid for the specific coin pool you are mining on, and the worker name should be separated by a period.
  • A single misconfigured miner attempting to connect multiple times can lead to a temporary IP ban. This can disrupt the operation of other properly configured rigs located at the same site. Therefore, it is essential to double-check your configuration for accuracy before connecting.
  • If you are operating a larger farm, you may face IP bans due to our heightened security settings. In such cases, please contact our support team, and we will make necessary exceptions to accommodate your setup.
  • Verify that your mining software is running the latest compatible version. Additionally, ensure that your configuration, including address, mining username, worker name, etc., is correct. Keep your mining hardware firmware up to date as well.
  • If you encounter persistent issues, consider rebooting your router and miner. This can resolve certain connectivity issues.
  • Temporary bans may occur when our stratum servers undergo restarts, resulting in unrecognized work returns. In such cases, your worker will be allowed to reconnect within a timeframe of 300-600 seconds after the ban.
  • If problems persist, we recommend reaching out to our support team via Discord. Please provide your mining username, IP address, the coin you are mining, and the specific stratum you are connected to. This will help us address your concerns more effectively.
  • Workarounds for resolving issues include correcting your configuration and waiting for approximately 30 minutes before trying again. Alternatively, you can reboot your router to obtain a fresh WAN IP or temporarily use a VPN service to bypass any connectivity hurdles. If you are using an ASUS router, ensure that the AI Protect mode is disabled, as it can interfere with stratum mining.

  • By adhering to these guidelines and troubleshooting steps, you can mitigate potential mining disruptions and ensure a more seamless experience.

    Occasionally, a block may be rejected or orphaned within the blockchain or network, rendering it invalid. This rejection occurs when the solution provided by the block is deemed unacceptable. In the case of an orphaned block, the answer may be acceptable, but it is discarded because it does not fit within the existing chain or because another miner or pool discovered it milliseconds before we did. | answer isn't even acceptable for example an orphan block is an acceptable solution in terms of the answer but it is only made an orphan as it

    A rejected block, on the other hand, does not even reach the network for validation. The coin node or pool wallet immediately denies the block. Such rejections can arise from mining equipment producing incorrect block solutions.

    It is important to note that both rejected and orphaned blocks do not yield any coins, and as a result, no payouts are made for them. However, all accepted shares are retained until the next correct block is discovered, ensuring that no mining effort is wasted.

    While rejected and orphaned blocks may occur during mining, it is crucial to continue mining and contributing accepted shares, as they play a vital role in the eventual discovery of valid blocks and subsequent payouts.

    After a block is generated, it is important to note that the coins it produces will not be immediately available to you. They undergo a confirmation process across the entire coin network before being paid out by the pool. Typically, coins have a confirmation set to 120, although this value can vary from coin to coin.

    What this confirmation process entails is that the network must discover an additional 120 blocks on top of the one found by the pool to confirm it and initiate a payment, provided the minimum payout threshold of 1 has been met. It is worth mentioning that different coins may have higher or lower confirmation limits in place. As a result, you may observe blocks in a pending state for a period before they transition to the confirmed state.

    To check the number of confirmations for pending blocks, you can visit our coin pool pages or refer to your worker/miner dashboard. On each coin pool page, you can also access the transaction IDs to review the history of pool payments. Simply click on the Transaction ID to view details such as the date, amount, and recipient of the pool payments for each coin pool. Similarly, on your miner/worker dashboard, you will find a table at the bottom of the page displaying information about the most recent pool payments for each coin.

    Monitoring the confirmation process and pool payment history enables you to track the progress of your earnings and stay informed about the status of pending blocks.

    Our payment system operates on a 30-minute interval for each coin. However, it's important to note that payments are not made every 30 minutes under certain conditions. These conditions include the absence of any blocks being found, blocks that have been found but haven't yet been confirmed by the network, or if your balance is below the automatic payout threshold of 1.

    To ensure you have the most up-to-date information about your transactions, it is essential to ensure that your wallet is fully synchronized. The balance displayed will only show transactions up to the point of synchronization. In the case of pending blocks waiting for confirmation, you will observe your Immature Balance reflecting this.

    For visibility on any pending blocks, you can refer to the pool page corresponding to the coin you are mining. Additionally, if you have discovered any pending blocks, you can view them on your worker/miner dashboard using the tables located at the bottom of the page.

    By checking your Immature Balance and monitoring the pool pages and your worker/miner dashboard, you can stay informed about any pending transactions or blocks awaiting confirmation.

    You can buy hash power and start mining any coin you like using NiceHash, by following these steps.
    1. Register a new account on NiceHash
    2. Deposit some supported cryptocurrency (BTC, ETH, XRP, BCH, LTC or ZEC) to your NiceHash wallet addresses. Please account for the transaction fees when depositing. In order to submit an order, you will need to exchange deposited altcoins to BTC.
    3. Find a coin you would like to mine from our Getting Started page and ensure you use the 37XX port designed for NiceHash, if you are unsure please get in touch via our Discord Server
    4. Save the pool to your list of pools HERE. The algorithm, Stratum, Port, Username (your receiving wallet address for coin being mined plus your workername for eg: NdPeNEN4FSGsYGsT7z5KsDyqnK6QYoyuRj.Worker1x1), Password: x
    5. Verify the pool config just added with the pool verificator.
    6. Worker = ReplaceWithYourWalletAddressForCoinBeingMined.ReplaceWithYourWorkerId1x1
    7. Workers password: x
    8. Place a new order on the hash power marketplace (don't forget to select the right algorithm for mining the picked coin, e.g. SHA256 for Digibyte or Peercoin etc). You will be able to select between the EU-WEST, EU-NORTH, USA-WEST and USA-EAST hash power marketplace (each of them has its own prices) and standard or fixed order. When you determine the amount you are willing to spend on the order, this amount is expressed and paid in bitcoins. You pay as you mine, so the unspent bitcoins can stay in your NiceHash wallet or you can withdraw them.
    9. Check your Stats on our Pool either under the Miners section or by searching your wallet address for the coin you are mining using the Wallet Lookup tool on the home page or on the coin page. Please note that we are responsible for your mining rewards when blocks are found on our pool not Nicehash (also please don't use your Nicehash deposit addresses to mine please get a fresh receiving address from a wallet for the coin you are mining). NiceHash only guarantees you to deliver hashing power that you purchased with them. If you have any issues please get in touch or ideally before you go ahead so we can confirm everything is set okay for you.
    10. Start Mining and good luck! :)
    You can buy hash power and start mining any coin you like usingMining Rig Rentals, by following these steps.
    1. Register a new account on Mining Rig Rentals
    2. Deposit some supported cryptocurrency (BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC or DASH) to your Mining Rig Rentals wallet addresses. Please account for the transaction fees when depositing.
    3. Find a coin you would like to mine from our Getting Started page and ensure you use the 37XX port designed for Mining Rig Rentals, if you are unsure please get in touch via our Discord Server
    4. Create a new Profile for your chosen coin on our pool HERE. Create a profile name and pick an algorithm. Then Add a New Pool and enter in: Name of Pool, Stratum Address + Port, Workername (your receiving wallet address for coin being mined plus your workername for eg: NdPeNEN4FSGsYGsT7z5KsDyqnK6QYoyuRj.Worker1x1), Password: x
    5. Worker = ReplaceWithYourWalletAddressForCoinBeingMined.ReplaceWithYourWorkerId1x1
    6. Workers password: x
    7. Place a new order using the marketplace (don't forget to select the right algorithm for mining the picked coin, e.g. SHA256 for mining Digibyte or Peercoin etc). You will be able to select between the multiple hashing rentals located around the world (each of them has its own prices). When you determine the amount you are willing to spend on the order, this amount is expressed and paid in either BTC, LTC, ETH, BCH or DASH. You pay as you mine, so the unspent coins can stay in your Mining Rig Rentals wallet or you can withdraw them.
    8. Check your Stats on our Pool either under the Miners section or by searching your wallet address for the coin you are mining using the Wallet Lookup tool on the home page or coin page. Please note that we are responsible for your mining rewards when blocks are found on our pool not Mining Rig Rentals (also please don't use your Mining Rig Rentals deposit addresses to mine please get a fresh receiving address from a wallet for the coin you are mining). NiceHash only guarantees you to deliver hashing power that you purchased with them. If you have any issues please get in touch or ideally before you go ahead so we can confirm everything is set okay for you.
    9. Start Mining and good luck! :)

    Once a miner submits a potential block solution, it undergoes a validation process against the wallet to determine its validity. If the solution is found to be invalid, it is promptly declined and removed from the statistics. Consequently, no payments are made for that particular block since it holds no value and does not contribute any coins that can be distributed. On the other hand, if the solution is deemed valid, it may take a few minutes to reflect in the statistics. While most stats on our pool are automatically updated, you can manually refresh your web browser to check if the solution is visible.

    Initially, the block will appear as pending. It will eventually transition to the confirmed state, triggering an automatic payment to miners who contributed to its discovery, provided that the network accepts it. In the event that the block becomes orphaned and is rejected by the network, no blocks are awarded, resulting in no coins being distributed. However, all round shares are automatically carried over to the current round, ensuring that no mining efforts are wasted and that they contribute towards the next valid block found.

    To ensure extra safety, we implement a comprehensive 15-point check system. This means that we do not immediately discard a block upon the first verification failure. Instead, we retain the potentially invalid block in our records for the next 15 payment runs. During this time, we perform periodic checks against the network to confirm its invalidity. Only after it has failed verification 15 times do we remove it. Our primary focus is to prioritize the payment of miners and ensure their efforts are duly rewarded.

    We highly recommend creating new wallet receiving addresses for each coin you mine with us. By using separate addresses as your mining usernames, you can easily identify the source of payments deposited into your wallet and label them accordingly. To track your payments, you can refer to the Payments section on each coin pool page, the Payments section on your worker/miner dashboard, or visit the dedicated Payments page for more detailed information.

    For an overview of your shares, paid amounts, and pending balance, you can access the respective coin pool pages. Simply click on your worker address or utilize the lookup tool on the homepage to search for it. Additionally, we have provided links to blockchain explorers on the Getting Started page and each coin pool page. While we offer suggested explorers, you are free to use any explorer of your choice. Just ensure that the explorer corresponds to the specific coin you are mining to obtain accurate and valid results regarding blocks and transactions.

    Mining effort is determined by dividing the number of submitted hashes by the network difficulty. This calculation helps estimate the amount of "effort" the pool should exert to statistically discover a block. When a pool finds a block with a 1000% effort, it means that it required 10 times more hashes than statistically expected to uncover the block. Conversely, if a pool finds a block with a 50% effort, it means that it needed less than twice the average number of hashes to achieve the discovery.

    You can mine securely on any of our coin pools in the EU, US, and SG regions by utilizing the SSL/TLS-enabled 34XX PPLNT ports for pooled mining or the 36XX SOLO ports for solo mining. To ensure compatibility with your mining hardware or software, you may need to modify your server address field from "stratum+tcp://" to either "stratum+ssl://" or "stratum+tcps://". Please verify that your setup supports secure connectivity, as some software or hardware configurations may not be compatible. In such cases, you can use our regular stratum ports as an alternative.

    For most of our ASIC pools, we do not recommend CPU and GPU mining unless you specifically want to mine a coin that is designed for CPU or GPU mining. This is because mining with non-ASIC hardware is generally inefficient in most cases. However, if you're interested in experimenting or trying your luck, you can visit our Getting Started page. There you'll find mining software download links, along with connection details and instructions. We have compiled links to the best miners for all of our pools and even created a CPU/GPU Mining Multipack, ready to use for Linux and Windows systems (supporting Nvidia and AMD GPUs) as well as CPUs. If you encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to us for assistance.

    To facilitate mining with older miners that lack native stratum support, you can follow these steps:

  • Download and Install Stratum Proxy: If you are using Windows, download the precompiled Stratum Proxy. For Linux, you can compile it from the source code. After installation, configure the proxy with the following command:
  • mining_proxy.exe -o stratum.coinminerz.com -p 3363 -sh -sp 336

    If you encounter any firewall prompts, make sure to allow the proxy through for all networks.

  • Find Your Computer's LAN IP Address: Determine the LAN IP address of your computer where the proxy is running. For example, it could be
  • Configure Your Miner: Access your Getwork style miner settings and point the pool address and port to your computer's LAN IP address, like this: Set your username and password as you normally would for mining.
  • Start Mining: With the setup completed, start mining. Your miner will connect to the proxy on your computer. The proxy will translate any old Getwork commands into Stratum commands that our pool can understand, enabling your miner to begin mining.
  • Monitoring and Troubleshooting: You can monitor the proxy's activity in the command window, which will display jobs and other relevant information. Additionally, our pool's stats system will show your mining activity.

  • If you encounter any issues during setup or mining, please don't hesitate to contact us for assistance. We hope this helps anyone with old miners that previously showed the pool as dead or failed to connect due to a lack of Stratum support, especially for miners that used only Getwork.

    On each Coin Pool page, you will find detailed information in the Pending and Confirmed Blocks sections. These sections provide valuable insights into the mining progress and block status within the pool. Here's an expanded and improved description of what you can expect to find:

    Pending Blocks: In the Pending Blocks section, you will see a list of blocks that have been successfully mined by pool participants but are still awaiting confirmation from the network. These blocks are in the process of being validated and added to the blockchain. The pending status indicates that the network has yet to confirm the legitimacy of these blocks. You can track the number and details of pending blocks, including their block height, timestamp, and any associated transactions.

    Confirmed Blocks: The Confirmed Blocks section displays blocks that have successfully passed the network's validation process and are now officially part of the blockchain. Once a block is confirmed, it becomes a permanent record of transactions within the cryptocurrency network. In this section, you can view the confirmed block's height, timestamp, and associated transactions, providing transparency and visibility into the blockchain's progress.

    By regularly checking the Pending and Confirmed Blocks sections, you can stay up to date with the mining activities and block confirmations happening within the pool. This information allows you to monitor the pool's efficiency and track the progress of your mining efforts. It also provides valuable insights into the overall health and performance of the network.

    Please note that the availability and visibility of these sections may vary depending on the specific pool and its user interface. However, our aim is to provide you with comprehensive and accurate information regarding the pending and confirmed blocks for each coin pool.

    At CoinMinerz, we prioritize the prompt delivery of your mining rewards while ensuring the highest level of security for both you and our platform. Our goal is to minimize any potential risks and swiftly transfer your earnings to you.

    Fast and Secure Payouts: We understand the importance of timely access to your mining rewards. That's why we strive to process your payments as quickly as possible. Unlike some platforms that hold onto your coins, we believe in promptly delivering what's rightfully yours. By minimizing the time between earning and payout, we aim to provide you with a seamless and efficient mining experience.

    Reducing Risk and Ensuring Safety: By swiftly transferring your mining rewards, we minimize the risk associated with holding large amounts of cryptocurrency in our wallets. This approach safeguards your funds and reduces the likelihood of attracting unwanted attention. Our priority is to create a secure environment where both you and our platform can operate with peace of mind.

    Efficient Transaction Management: Processing payments regularly not only benefits you but also helps us streamline our transaction management. By running our payment system every 30 minutes, we ensure that your confirmed balance is promptly converted into your preferred cryptocurrency and transferred to your designated wallet. This regular payout schedule allows for efficient management of transactions, keeping both our platform and your wallets operating smoothly.

    Customized Payout Options: We understand that each miner has unique preferences and requirements. That's why we offer the flexibility to customize your minimum payout amount. Additionally, you have the option to set a specific date and time for receiving your payments. This customization empowers you to tailor the payout process according to your needs and financial goals.

    At CoinMinerz, we are committed to providing a fast, secure, and customizable payout experience. We strive to ensure that your mining rewards are swiftly and reliably transferred to your wallet, allowing you to enjoy the fruits of your mining efforts with ease and convenience.

    At CoinMinerz, we prioritize the security and stability of our mining operations. To ensure a robust and reliable infrastructure, we employ cutting-edge technology and industry best practices.

    Secure and Resilient Infrastructure: We take the security of your mining operations seriously. Our servers are equipped with the latest NVMe SSDs, offering exceptional performance and data integrity. These Enterprise-grade Intel servers are purpose-built for mining, providing a stable and efficient environment for your mining activities..

    Linux-Based Environment: To further enhance security and optimize performance, our servers run exclusively on Linux. By eliminating the use of Windows, we reduce potential vulnerabilities and streamline our operations. Linux is renowned for its stability, scalability, and robust security features, ensuring a secure foundation for our mining infrastructure.

    High-Speed Internet Connectivity: Our servers are connected to 1GB unlimited internet connections, allowing for seamless and high-speed communication between miners and our pool. This ensures smooth data transfer and minimizes any potential bottlenecks that could impact your mining efficiency.

    Redundancy and Failover Measures: We understand the importance of uninterrupted mining operations. That's why our infrastructure is equipped with multiple failover internet access points and backup power systems. These redundant systems provide a safety net, ensuring continuous operation even in the event of unforeseen circumstances or connectivity issues.

    DOS Protection and Security Measures: To safeguard our pool front end and all stratum functions, we have implemented robust Denial-of-Service (DoS) protection measures. These safeguards help mitigate potential attacks and ensure the stability and availability of our mining infrastructure. Your mining activities are protected, allowing you to mine with confidence and peace of mind.

    At CoinMinerz, we prioritize the security, stability, and efficiency of our mining infrastructure. By utilizing state-of-the-art hardware, Linux-based systems, high-speed internet connections, and comprehensive security measures, we strive to provide you with a secure and reliable platform for your mining endeavors.

    At CoinMinerz, we provide you with convenient and transparent access to all the information you need regarding your mining activities. Here's an improved version of the description:

    Coin Pool Pages: Each of our coin pool pages offers a comprehensive overview of your mining activities. You can easily track your payments, monitor pending confirmations, and access various other relevant information. Our user-friendly interface ensures that you have a clear understanding of your mining progress on each specific coin pool.

    Payments Page: To further simplify your mining experience, we have a dedicated payments page. This centralized hub allows you to view and manage your payment history across all the coin pools you are mining on. You can effortlessly track your earnings, see the timestamps and amounts of your previous payments, and access detailed transaction information.

    Block Explorers: For a deeper dive into the blockchain, we provide links to block explorers on our platform. These explorers enable you to explore the blocks, transactions, and addresses associated with the coins you are mining. By utilizing block explorers, you can gain valuable insights into the overall network activity and verify the status of your mining rewards.

    Worker/Miner Dashboard: Your worker/miner dashboard serves as a centralized control panel for monitoring your mining operations. Within this dashboard, you can conveniently access information about any pending or recently found blocks, as well as view your payments history. This comprehensive overview allows you to stay informed about your mining progress and earnings.

    At CoinMinerz, we strive to provide you with a seamless and user-friendly mining experience. Our diverse range of tools and resources, including coin pool pages, payments page, block explorers, and worker/miner dashboard, empower you to track and manage your mining activities with ease.

    Mining is a challenging and time-consuming process, especially considering the network hashrate and the specific coin being mined. To better understand the process of finding blocks, let's break it down:

    Shares and Difficulty: Finding a block is achieved through the accumulation of shares. Depending on the port you are using, each share has a certain level of difficulty. Shares with higher difficulty require more computational effort to find, resulting in fewer total shares needed to eventually discover a block. The difficulty of shares plays a crucial role in the overall mining process.

    Validating Shares: On the pool side, each share is meticulously checked against the coin daemon, which acts as a pool-side wallet with enhanced functionalities. This verification process determines if a share is a valid block solution. It's important to note that while every computed share has the potential to be a block solution, shares themselves are not blocks. Instead, they contribute to the overall block payout.

    Rejected Shares: There may be instances where shares are rejected by the pool. This can occur if an outdated share is sent right after a block has been found. To ensure efficient share submission and receive new work, miners use the Stratum protocol. While this protocol is generally reliable and minimizes the occurrence of rejected shares, occasional rejections can still happen. If you consistently experience a high number of rejected shares, it indicates that there may be an issue on your end that needs to be addressed.

    Hashrate and Settings: If you notice that your hashrate on the pool website is not increasing while the count of invalid shares continues to rise, it may be necessary to troubleshoot your mining setup. In such cases, it is recommended to turn off your miner, check your settings thoroughly, and then restart the mining process. Additionally, it's worth noting that excessive rejected shares can occur due to overclocking the mining voltage or frequency beyond reliable levels or when devices are operating at excessively high temperatures.

    Mining can be a complex endeavor, and various factors can affect the efficiency and success of your mining efforts. By understanding the relationship between shares, difficulty, share validation, rejected shares, and the impact of hashrate and settings, you can optimize your mining setup and improve your overall mining experience.

    There has been a lot of interest from miners regarding the concept of VARDIFF, which stands for Variable Difficulty. To put it simply, VARDIFF is a feature that allows the pool to monitor the computational power of your mining rig and adjust the difficulty of the work it sends to optimize performance.

    The primary purpose of VARDIFF is to reduce the frequency with which your miner needs to request new work from the server. By dynamically adjusting the difficulty level, the pool ensures that your miner is provided with tasks that match its capabilities. This not only minimizes the workload on your miner but also reduces the time spent waiting for new work.

    VARDIFF benefits both miners and the pool. Miners experience improved efficiency as their rigs receive work that aligns with their processing power, resulting in optimized mining operations. At the same time, the pool benefits from a reduction in the number of work requests sent by miners. This scalability allows the pool to handle varying levels of demand effectively, ensuring a smoother mining experience for all participants.

    In summary, VARDIFF is a mechanism that adjusts the difficulty of mining tasks based on the capabilities of your mining rig. By optimizing the workload and reducing the frequency of work requests, VARDIFF improves overall mining efficiency and contributes to the scalability of the mining pool.

    The balance owing represents the value of coins that have been discovered in mined blocks but are currently awaiting confirmation by the coin network. These coins are in the process of being validated by the network before they can be considered fully confirmed and available for withdrawal.

    On the other hand, the paid balance reflects the total amount of coins that the pool has already paid to the specified address. This includes all past payments made to that address, providing a historical overview of the coins that have been successfully transferred from the pool to the address.

    By monitoring the balance owing, you can keep track of the pending coins that are in the confirmation process. Once these coins are confirmed, they will contribute to your paid balance, which represents the cumulative amount of coins received from the pool.

    Both balances serve as important indicators of your mining progress and earnings. While the balance owing signifies the coins that are in the pipeline for confirmation, the paid balance reflects the actual amount of coins that have been successfully paid out to your address over time.

    At our pool, miners are eligible for payment only when a block is discovered and confirmed by the coin network. We do not provide compensation for the time spent mining if a block has not been found. Instead, miners accumulate shares during their mining activity, and once a block is successfully found, the payout is determined based on the accumulated shares.

    If your balance does not reach the automatic payout threshold of 1, it will be displayed as your Balance Owing. To reach the payout amount, you will need to continue mining and accumulate more shares. As the number of shares increases, your balance will grow, eventually reaching the threshold required for payment.

    It's important to note that our pool operates on a PPLNT (Pay Per Last N Time) and SOLO (Solo Mining) model, rather than a PPS (Pay Per Share) pool. This means that payment is based on the successful discovery of blocks rather than a constant payout for each share submitted.

    By focusing on block discovery and confirmation, we aim to provide fair compensation to miners while maintaining the efficiency and integrity of our mining operations.

    If you reach out to us through Discord and discover that your mining rewards have been directed to an incorrect or invalid address, we may be able to assist you. As long as no payments have been processed to the invalid address, we have the capability to modify the mining address associated with your accumulated shares in our database. However, we require proper verification to ensure that you are the rightful owner of the mining rewards. br

    Please note that once payments have been issued to an address, it is not possible for us to reverse or retrieve them. Therefore, it is crucial for you to take responsibility for configuring your miner correctly and ensuring that the designated address is accurate and under your control.

    We are committed to providing support and assistance to our miners, and we will do our best to resolve any issues related to mining addresses and rewards. Please reach out to us via Discord, providing the necessary proof of ownership, and we will guide you through the process.

    Yes, it is absolutely normal for your mining difficulty and hashrate to fluctuate while mining in a pool. The mining pool continuously monitors the work you submit and adjusts the difficulty level accordingly to optimize your mining efficiency.

    The purpose of this retargeting process is to ensure that your miner is receiving work at an appropriate pace. If the pool detects that you are submitting work too quickly or too slowly, it will dynamically adjust the difficulty to maintain an optimal balance.

    As a result, you may observe variations in your hashrate as the difficulty level adapts to the specific algorithm you are mining. Certain coins employ multi-algorithm approaches, where different sub-algorithms within the sequence may have varying levels of mining difficulty. Consequently, your hashrate might fluctuate during different stages of the hashing process.

    These fluctuations are part of the normal operation of the mining pool and are intended to provide the most efficient and effective mining experience for all participants.

    To ensure a smooth mining experience and proper payment processing, please follow these guidelines:

    Verify your Wallet Address: Double-check that the wallet address you are using for mining is correct and corresponds to the specific coin you are mining. It is crucial to match the wallet address with the intended coin as we do not currently support merge mining or auto-conversion. Once payments are committed, they cannot be reversed.

    Keep Your Wallet Synced: Make sure your wallet software is up to date and synchronized with the coin's network. If your wallet is not fully synced, incoming payments may not appear until the synchronization process is complete. While waiting for your wallet to sync, you can use a block explorer to check your balance. Please allow 5-10 minutes for newly generated blocks or transactions to be visible on the explorer, as different explorers have varying sync speeds.

    Utilize Block Explorers: We provide links to block explorers on our "Getting Started" and coin pool pages. You can use these explorers to search for your receiving address and view your current balance and transaction history. Block explorers offer real-time information about your mined coins and can provide valuable insights while your wallet is syncing.

    Consider Wallet Restrictions: Be aware that some exchanges may not support receiving mining payouts directly into their wallets. It is advisable to use an official wallet for the specific coin you are mining or carefully review the exchange's terms and conditions. If in doubt, you can create a support ticket with the exchange to inquire about their mining payout policies and avoid any potential loss of funds.

    By following these recommendations, you can ensure that your wallet address is accurate, your wallet is synced, and you have access to the necessary tools to monitor your balance and transaction history effectively.

    If you encounter any issues with the pool appearing as "dead," please consider the following factors:

    Verify Configuration: Double-check that the stratum address and port are correctly configured in your mining software. Any errors in the configuration can prevent your miner from connecting to the pool. Additionally, ensure that your miner username and workername are valid. The wallet address must correspond to the coin you are mining, and the workername should only contain alphanumeric characters (A-Z, 0-9).

    Temporary IP Ban: It is possible that your IP address has been temporarily banned by our servers due to certain activities. In such cases, you may experience difficulties connecting to the pool. Please wait for the ban to be lifted automatically or contact our support team for assistance.

    Internet and Routing Issues: Check for any internet connection problems or ISP routing/blocking issues that could hinder communication between your miners and our pool. Such issues can cause disruptions in the mining process. Consider rebooting your miner and internet router to eliminate any temporary glitches.

    Stratum Proxy for Getwork Miners: If you are using an older Getwork-style miner that does not support the Stratum protocol, you can utilize a Stratum Proxy on your computer. The proxy converts Getwork jobs to Stratum, allowing your miner to connect to our pool. Detailed instructions on setting up the proxy can be found in the "How can I mine with my old Getwork Miners that don't support Stratum Protocol" section.

    Scheduled Maintenance or Downtime: While it is rare, there might be unexpected downtime or emergency maintenance on our servers. We strive to announce any planned maintenance in advance. If you suspect that the pool is experiencing downtime, please reach out to us, and we will provide assistance and updates.

    If you encounter any issues or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team. We are here to help and ensure your mining experience runs smoothly.

    When mining, it's important to keep in mind that you are part of a global network of miners. To assess your mining performance, you need to compare your hashrate against the hashpower of both the pool you are mining with and the entire coin network, including other large pools. Here are a few key points to consider:

    Hashrate Comparison: Your hashrate should be evaluated relative to the pool's hashpower. If the pool has a significant share of the total hashpower, it increases the likelihood of finding more blocks. However, keep in mind that a pool with over 51% of the network's total hashpower can be detrimental. Such dominance destabilizes the network and allows a single pool to control it unfairly.

    Mining and Luck: Mining involves an element of luck. While higher-powered equipment increases your chances of finding a block, it does not guarantee immediate success. It's possible to find blocks with lower-powered equipment, but the likelihood and frequency decrease. Patience may be required to find a block with less powerful hardware.

    Network Stability: It's crucial to maintain a decentralized network where no single pool has excessive control. This ensures fair distribution of mining rewards and prevents any individual or pool from monopolizing the network. Mining in a pool with a balanced distribution of hashpower helps maintain the stability and integrity of the coin network.

    Remember that mining is both a combination of skill and luck. While more powerful equipment can increase your chances, it's essential to consider the larger network dynamics and strive for a fair and decentralized mining ecosystem. Happy mining!

    To ensure the security of your wallet and protect your coins, it's important to follow robust security practices. Here are some recommendations to enhance the security of your wallet:

    Encrypt Your Wallet: Set a strong passphrase to encrypt your wallet. Choose a complex and unique password that is known only to you. Keep this passphrase somewhere safe and avoid sharing it with anyone.

    Encrypt Wallet.dat File: Apply an additional layer of security by encrypting your wallet.dat file using cryptographic compression software. This adds another level of protection to your wallet data.

    Secure Storage: Store your encrypted wallet.dat file on an encrypted USB drive. Use reliable encryption methods to safeguard the contents of the drive. Additionally, consider storing the USB drive in a secure location, such as a safe, to prevent unauthorized access.

    Use Unique and Complex Passwords: Ensure that you use different passwords for each encryption step and account. Consider using dice-based passwords, as they offer higher entropy and are harder to decrypt. Avoid storing all passwords in one place to mitigate the risk of compromise. Employ techniques like steganography or hide passwords in separate segments, ensuring they are not easily discoverable.

    Offline Encryption: Perform all encryption processes in a completely offline environment to minimize the risk of online threats. Keep your device disconnected from the internet during the encryption process to prevent potential attacks.

    Conceal Your Holdings: Avoid disclosing the number and type of coins you possess, as this can make you a target for potential attacks. Maintain privacy and discretion regarding your cryptocurrency holdings.

    Cold Storage Wallet: Consider using a cold storage wallet, which is not connected to the internet, to further reduce the attack surface for potential threats. Cold storage wallets offer enhanced security for long-term storage of your coins.

    Remember, security practices should be tailored to your needs and risk tolerance. The suggestions provided here serve as a foundation for protecting your wallet and assets, but it's always a good idea to stay informed about the latest security developments and best practices in the cryptocurrency space.

    If you are using a full node wallet and want to sync it up efficiently, one recommended method is to utilize the bootstrap.dat file. This file can be placed in the same folder as your wallet.dat file for the specific coin you are mining. The bootstrap.dat file contains a partial portion of the blockchain specific to the wallet you're using. By using this file, you can save time and bandwidth since you don't have to download the entire blockchain from scratch. It gives you a head start in syncing up with the network.

    It's worth noting that there are also mobile and lightweight wallets available that operate differently and do not require full blockchain synchronization. These wallets offer convenience and faster setup times.

    However, if security is a top priority, it is recommended to obtain a cold storage wallet. A cold storage wallet is typically a hardware device, similar to a USB drive, that is not connected to the internet. By using a cold storage wallet, you minimize the risk of your coins being stolen or accessed by unauthorized individuals since the device remains offline. It provides an extra layer of protection for your assets.

    When obtaining a blockchain or bootstrap.dat file, it's crucial to obtain it from official and trusted sources. Avoid downloading blockchain files from untrusted or unofficial sources, as they may contain malicious code or tampered data that could compromise the security of your wallet.

    Remember, each wallet type has its own benefits and considerations. Choose the option that aligns with your security preferences and the specific needs of your mining activities.

    In the event that you wish to trade the coins you have mined, online cryptocurrency exchange sites provide a convenient platform for buying, selling, and exchanging various cryptocurrencies, tokens, and even fiat currencies. These exchanges enable you to participate in the broader cryptocurrency market and engage in trading activities. br

    It's important to research and choose reputable and reliable exchanges that offer secure trading environments, robust features, and good liquidity. Ensure that the exchange supports the specific coins you have mined and offers the trading pairs you are interested in.

    While trading can be an exciting endeavor, it's worth considering the principle of "HODL" (Hold On for Dear Life). This philosophy suggests holding onto your cryptocurrencies for the long term, believing in their potential value appreciation over time. It encourages a patient and strategic approach to investing in cryptocurrencies, rather than engaging in frequent buying and selling.

    Remember to stay informed about market trends, conduct thorough analysis, and consider your own risk tolerance and investment goals before making any trading decisions.

    To maximize your mining efforts, there are a couple of strategies you can consider. Firstly, you can explore the option of investing in newer mining equipment. Upgrading your hardware to more advanced and efficient mining rigs can significantly increase your hashing power and improve your chances of mining blocks. It's important to research and select equipment that is specifically designed for the type of cryptocurrencies you intend to mine. br

    Additionally, scaling your mining operations is another viable approach. By expanding the number of mining rigs you have, you can increase your overall hashing power and potentially mine more blocks. However, scaling requires careful planning and consideration of factors such as electricity costs, cooling requirements, and available space.

    Alternatively, you may choose to rent mining power from a cloud hashing provider. Cloud mining allows you to lease computational power from a remote data center, eliminating the need for maintaining physical hardware. This approach can be beneficial if you prefer a hassle-free mining experience or if you don't have the resources to invest in and manage your own equipment. However, it's essential to research and choose a reputable cloud hashing provider with a proven track record.

    Before making any decisions, it's crucial to conduct a cost-benefit analysis considering factors such as electricity costs, mining difficulty, and potential returns. Additionally, staying updated with the latest developments in the cryptocurrency mining industry can help you make informed decisions regarding equipment upgrades or cloud mining contracts.

    Certainly! You have the flexibility to use worker names by simply appending a dot and a name after your wallet address, which serves as your username. For instance, if your wallet address is Ez9W6kynbv4FqftQY537bHEXGCDs8vppdC, and you want to assign a worker name, you can do so by adding a dot and the desired name after your wallet address. For example: Ez9W6kynbv4FqftQY537bHEXGCDs8vppdC.Worker1.

    It's important to note that when using worker names, you need to ensure that the coin address you provide matches the pool you're using. This ensures that your worker can authenticate properly and generate shares that contribute towards your payout. Using an incorrect or mismatched coin address may result in authentication issues, preventing your worker from participating effectively in the mining process and receiving payouts.

    By assigning worker names, you can easily differentiate and manage multiple workers associated with your mining activities, allowing for better organization and monitoring.

    Absolutely! We are committed to providing a diverse and up-to-date selection of coins for our mining community. Our team regularly evaluates both mainstream and altcoins to identify potential additions to our pool. As we progress, we will continue to introduce new coins to expand our offerings and cater to the evolving mining landscape.

    We value your input and suggestions, and we encourage you to share your thoughts and recommendations through our Discord server. Your feedback plays an important role in shaping our future coin additions, and we appreciate your active participation in helping us maintain a dynamic and comprehensive selection of coins for mining.

    Stay tuned for updates as we strive to enhance our coin offerings and provide you with a rewarding mining experience.

    Each time a new block is discovered, the round shares you accumulated in the previous round for that particular coin are linked to that specific block until it is confirmed by the network. This association ensures that your contribution is recognized and accounted for in the mining process.

    In the event that a block becomes invalid or orphaned, meaning it is not ultimately included in the blockchain, your round shares are seamlessly transferred to the current round. This mechanism safeguards your mining efforts, ensuring that no shares are lost or disregarded. Your contributions are continuously tracked and reallocated to the most relevant and active mining opportunities, maximizing your potential rewards.

    Rest assured that our system is designed to maintain fairness and accuracy, ensuring that your mining shares are properly accounted for and utilized in the most efficient manner possible.

    When measuring mining power, commonly referred to as hash rate, it is typically denoted using various prefixes. These prefixes indicate the magnitude of the hash rate, ranging from the smallest to the largest units of measurement. The following are the commonly used prefixes:

  • H (Hash): This is the base unit of measurement for hash rate.
  • KH (Kilohash): Equivalent to one thousand hashes per second.
  • MH (Megahash): Equivalent to one million hashes per second.
  • GH (Gigahash): Equivalent to one billion hashes per second.
  • TH (Terrahash): Equivalent to one trillion hashes per second.
  • PH (Petahash): Equivalent to one quadrillion hashes per second.
  • EH (Exahash): Equivalent to one quintillion hashes per second.

  • These prefixes allow for easy representation and comparison of mining power across different scales. By understanding these units, you can better assess the efficiency and capacity of your mining operations.

    When it comes to mining the majority of coins we host, using a CPU (Central Processing Unit) or GPU (Graphics Processing Unit) is not as efficient as using a more powerful ASIC (Application Specific Integrated Circuit) miner designed specifically for mining a particular algorithm. However, you can still mine with your CPU or GPU, although you will likely generate fewer shares and may have to wait longer for them to accumulate to reach the minimum balance required for a payout.

    It's important to note that our payment system operates on a 30-minute cycle. During this cycle, it checks for any pending blocks and updates your account accordingly. Here's how the balances are handled:

  • Immature Balance: This balance includes any amounts waiting for blocks to be confirmed. Once the blocks are confirmed by the network, the corresponding amounts will be added to your Immature Balance.
  • Pending Balance: This balance includes any amounts below the automatic 1 coin minimum payout threshold or your custom payout threshold. Once your balance reaches the specified threshold, it will be eligible for a payout.
  • Total Paid: This balance represents the total amount that has been successfully sent to your wallet.

  • While CPU and GPU mining may be less efficient, it still provides an opportunity to participate in the mining process. However, it's important to manage your expectations regarding the generation of shares and the time it takes to accumulate a significant balance.

    We provide Solo mining options on all of our pools. To engage in Solo mining, simply connect to the designated SOLO port for the specific coin you wish to mine. With Solo mining, you will receive 99% of the block rewards, while we retain the remaining 1%. This reward is not shared with any other miners. It's a "find it, and you get it" approach!

    In Solo mining, the number of shares is not as crucial as finding a block. The focus is solely on discovering a block, and if you successfully find one, you will be rewarded accordingly. To ensure your miner is functioning correctly, you can monitor its performance through your miner software or interface. If you have any concerns or questions, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're here to assist you!

    After starting your miner, please allow a few minutes for it to appear on the workers page. If you don't see it, try refreshing the page. If the issue persists, check the following:

  • Verify that you have entered the correct mining address, pool address, and port for our pool. Ensure that your miner is connected to our primary pool and not a secondary or tertiary one.
  • Double-check the wallet address you are using as your username. It should be accurate and match the coin you are mining.
  • If you want to set a custom payout threshold, you can do so using the web form on your miner page or by adding "(pl=300)" in the password field, where "300" represents your desired minimum payout amount.

  • Please note that your miner/worker will only appear on our dashboard after 1-2 minutes of successfully submitting valid accepted shares. Workers that haven't submitted any valid shares, have significant time gaps between accepted shares or blocks, will not be listed. We only display active miners who are actively contributing to the pool.

    IMPORTANT: If you are mining a coin with multiple algorithms, make sure to use a unique wallet address for each algorithm you are mining. Otherwise, only the data for one algorithm pool will be displayed when you search for your address. Our pool stats system requires a unique address per pool, even for the same coin. Once you have corrected this, you will be able to view each of your addresses and associated workers through the worker dashboard.

    If you encounter any issues, please don't hesitate to contact us via Discord for assistance. We are here to support you!

    We do not support or have any plans to add CPU/GPU-based browser mining to our services. It's important to note that if you come across any old negative reviews about CoinMinerz.com online, they are likely related to a previous ownership of the domain. Since acquiring the domain for our mining pool, we have not and will not employ that mining technique. We take the security and reputation of our platform seriously.

    To further ensure transparency and trust, we actively reach out to websites and authorities to inform them of the change in ownership and assure them that our operations are safe and legitimate. We are committed to resolving any issues related to blacklisting and maintaining a positive reputation in the mining community.

    We understand the importance of code review for security purposes. You are welcome to conduct your own review of our site or consult with someone knowledgeable in this area to validate the safety and reliability of our platform. We prioritize the security and satisfaction of our users, and we are open to addressing any concerns or inquiries you may have.

    CoinMinerz is dedicated to providing excellent support and assistance to our users. If you have any questions, need help with mining pool-related issues, have feature requests, or want to report any problems, we encourage you to reach out to us. You can join our vibrant CoinMinerz community on Discord.

    Our Discord channel serves as a hub for communication and collaboration, allowing you to interact with our team and fellow miners. We strive to provide timely responses to your inquiries, and you can typically expect a reply within an hour or so, with a maximum response time of 24 hours.

    We value your feedback and actively encourage you to share your thoughts, suggestions, and concerns with us. Your input helps us improve our services and shape the future of our mining pool. Don't hesitate to join our Discord community and engage with us. We look forward to assisting you and being an active part of your mining journey.

    ASICBOOST/Multimining Version is a complex technology that enhances mining efficiency, and although it can be challenging to explain without delving into technical details, I'll provide a simplified overview. Essentially, ASICBOOST/Multimining Version enables miners to minimize the number of potential hashes needed to solve a network block, resulting in improved efficiency and increased profitability.

    By utilizing ASICBOOST, miners with access to this technology can enhance their earnings in terms of dollars per second. Additionally, this optimization also reduces the energy consumption required to achieve the heightened profitability, making it a more environmentally friendly mining approach.

    At CoinMinerz, we have enabled ASICBOOST on all SHA256 pools, except for LitecoinCash, which has intentionally disabled this functionality. We strive to provide our miners with the most efficient and profitable mining experience possible.

    No, we exclusively offer PPLNT, SOLO, or PARTY mining options for all of our coins. With PPLNT (Pay Per Last N Time), you receive a larger portion of the block reward if you have a higher number of shares compared to other miners mining the same coin during the current round. This ensures that your contribution is rewarded proportionately.

    Additionally, we provide the option of solo mining for those interested. Solo mining allows you to mine independently, without sharing the rewards with other miners. This can be appealing for those seeking complete control over their mining efforts.

    At CoinMinerz, we aim to provide a variety of mining options to cater to different preferences and strategies.

    Not at present however we have created the underlying functionality in our pool system ready for when we do add it. Watch this space :)
    We grab your miners software/hardware ID that it gives our pool when it connects and authorises so you can see what version it is running in our stats.
    No you only get paid for the currency you are mining
    If this happens please let us know via Discord and we will update and fix the dead links.
    We support P2PKH(Legacy), P2SH & Bech32 addresses
    To set a custom payout amount for your miner/worker go to your miner address stats page and click go to the Custom Payout section and click the button to open the form. Then enter in your WAN IP address your mining equipment is running from and use the slider or by using this in your password field (pl=300) This would set 300 as your minimum payout. if you accept the risk of setting a higher payout threshold than the default please click Understood. So once your balance reaches this threshold it will payout in the next payment run. To remove and set back to the pool default of 1 simply open the form again (drag slider), enter your WAN IP address and click understood. This will mean any workers accumlative balances connected to the wallet address being set will payout at that amount once the balance is reached every 30 minutes. Any trouble please get in touch via our Discord server. Thanks!
    To set a custom static difficulty for your miner/worker instead of x being your password put in d=x where x is the static difficulty you want to use (For example d=8). Remember you set this at your own risk, in most situations it is best to allow VARDIFF which is active on all our stratums to handle the difficulty for you and auto adjust to get the best amount of work back and forth. Less higher difficulty shares are always better weighted than low difficulty shares. Thanks!
    PPLNT means Pay-Per-Last-N-Time (where as PPLNS is Share), it uses specific amount of round time. On CM its 51% of round time, so as long as you are mining 51% or more of the round time, all your shares by you will be paid. If less than 51% of round time your paid shares numbers will be reduced.
    If time mining >= 51% of the max:
    reward = (shares / total shares) * (block reward + fees)
    reward = ((1 - (time / max time)) * shares) / total shares) * (block reward + fees)
    To set a custom starting difficulty for your miner/worker instead of x being your password put in sd=x where x is the static difficulty you want to use (For example d=128). Remember you set this at your own risk, in most situations it is best to allow VARDIFF which is active on all our stratums to handle the difficulty for you and auto adjust to get the best amount of work back and forth. Less higher difficulty shares are always better weighted than low difficulty shares. Thanks!
    Yes you can Party mine on all of our pools with your friends. To Party Mine make sure you are mining on a Pool/PPLNT port and use this in your password field: party=yourpartyname replace yourpartyname with the name of the party you wish to create or join. To view Party Mode stats go to the coin pool's dashboard you are mining on and then click View Party on the Link Bar and enter in your party name to load stats. Thanks!
    To hide your location flag from appearing in stats on the website please either use your settings on your worker dashboard or by using the password field configuration of your miner/software: hide=true Thanks!
    To get a mining wallet address you can either use our Paper Wallet Generator or you can download a core wallet for the coin you want to mine and get or generate an address there you can use to mine. Thanks!